License Clearance

Michigan drivers license CLEARANCE for former residents living out of state.

Are you a former Michigan resident whose drivers license OR driving privileges have been cancelled, suspended, or refused in your NEW state of residence — due to a past revocation when you lived in Michigan?

I SPECIALIZE in resolving issues with your past Michigan records that prevent you from renewing your license in states other than MI, taking the necessary steps to clear your out-of-state Michigan driving record.

The State of Michigan updated their license software system in 2021 and joined the National Driver Registry “PROBLEM DRIVER POINTER SYSTEM” (P.D.P.S.).  This system  now connects to a national database to report past license revocations to other participating states. Due to this newly updated reporting system, former Michiganders are now experiencing issues and denials as they attempt to renew their drivers license in their new state of residence — as this new reporting system now tracks & picks up these Michigan revocation issues nationally.

Even if you’ve had a perfectly clean driving record for years or decades in your current state of residence, your drivers license renewal can now potentially be BLOCKED or DENIED by past Michigan revocations you may have had.

Due to past license revocations former residents had in Michigan, some states are now catching this past record info to deny license renewals, as this new software now reports out nationally to all US states.

Former MI residents who may have new licenses in these other states with no issue are now encountering denials to routine renewals due to this newly updated system.  Even if you’ve had a perfectly clean driving record for years or decades in your current state of residence, your drivers license renewal can potentially be BLOCKED by past Michigan revocations you may have had due to this updated tracking system.

I’ve received calls from and assisted many former Michiganders (now residing in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) with their Michigan drivers license clearance issues.

I’ve got the experience and knowledge with Michigan Secretary of State issues to help! The out of state license clearance process does not require office visits, and can be done virtually or via ZOOM meetings. Please contact me.

If you’re a former Michigan resident who now resides in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin or Wyoming — please contact me regarding your former Michigan driving record revocation issues blocking you from obtaining or renewing your license in your new state of residence.